#Akshat Shah
#IT 212

#Creating class card
class Card:
    # __init__ method is called whenever a new card object is created.
    #Defining the method init and assigning the variables
    def __init__(self, the_rank, the_suit):
        self.suit = the_suit
        self.rank = the_rank

    #Defining the rank method and assigning the ranks from lowest
    #to highest number.   
    def rank(self):
        rank = ["", "", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", 
        "8", "9", "10","11","12","13","14"]
    #Definging the suit method and assigning the suits in alphabetical order
    def suit(self):
        suit = ["C","D","H","S"]

    # Regular color method.
    #Putting the coditions for the color method with if and else
    def color(self):
        if self.suit == "C":
            return "black"
        if self.suit == "S":
            return "black"
        elif self.suit=="D":
            return "red"
        elif self.suit=="H":
            return "red"

    # Define return value for str method.
    def __str__(self):
        symbols = ["", "", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", 
        "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"]
        return symbols[self.rank] + self.suit

#Importing card method from card file
from card import Card

#Test rank
c1 = Card(11,"S")

#Test suit
c2 = Card(11,"S")

#Test color method
c3 = Card(11,"S")

#Test str
c4 = Card(11,"S")


#Importing card method from card file
from card import Card
import unittest

class MyUnitTestClass(unittest.TestCase):
    #Test rank instance variable
    def test_1(self):
        c = Card(11,"S")

    #Test suit instance variable
    def test_2(self):
        c = Card(11,"S")
        self.assertEqual(c.suit, "S")

    #Test str method
    def test_3(self):
        c = Card(11,"S")
        self.assertEqual(str(c), "JS")

    #Test color method
    def test_4(self):
        c = Card(11,"S")
        self.assertEqual(c.color(), "black")

    #Test lt method
    def test_5(self):
        c = Card(11,"S")
        c1 = Card(12, "S")
        self.assertEqual(c.rank < c1.rank, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":