#Akshat Shah
#IT 212
#Importing the frame score and raggedreadarray method from their respective file
from framescore import frame_score
from raggedreadarray import read_ragged_array
#Allowing the user to input the game file through keyboard
input_file = input("Enter file name:")
#Call the read_ragged_array method to create a ragged array of the data in
#the input_file likegame1.txt, game2.txt, or game3.txt.
frames = read_ragged_array(input_file)
#Intialize the score to zero
score = 0
#Using for loop
for i in range (1,11):
#using the if statements for specific condition in the game
#Assiging 10 to bonus 1 and frames to bonus 2
if frames[i][0] == 10 and frames[i+1][0] == 10:
bonus1 = 10
bonus2 = frames[i+2][0]
#Assigning the frames to bonus 1 and bonus 2
elif frames[i][0] == 10 and frames[i+1][0] < 10:
bonus1 = frames[i+1][0]
bonus2 = frames[i+1][1]
#Assigning the frames to bonus 1 and zero to bonus 2
elif frames [i][0] + frames [i][1] == 10:
bonus1 = frames[i+1][0]
bonus2 = 0
#Assign zero to bonus 1 and bonus 2
bonus1 = 0
bonus2 = 0
#Calculating the score
score += frame_score(frames[i], bonus1, bonus2)
#Printing the score
#Defining the frame_score method
def frame_score(the_frame,bonus1,bonus2):
# Case where frame is a strike
if the_frame[0] == 10:
return 10 + bonus1 + bonus2
# Case where frame is a spare
elif the_frame[0] + the_frame[1] == 10:
return 10 + bonus1
# Case where frame is an open frame
return the_frame[0] + the_frame[1]
# RaggedArray Example
# A ragged array is an array whose rows need not be the same length.
# Define a method that reads a ragged array from a file.
# Then use the sum_array method used in the Array2 Example to sum
# each row of the ragged array, creating a new array of the row sums.
# Define method to read a ragged array
def read_ragged_array(the_filename):
# Initialize ragged array
ragged_array = [["Frame0"]]
# Open input file and read first line
f = open(the_filename, "r")
line = f.readline( )
# Keep processing lines until end of file is reached.
while line:
fields = line.split(" ")
row = [ ]
# Append each field item to the row array
for field in fields:
# When finished constructing row, append
# to ragged_array.
# Read next line
line = f.readline( )
# When finished reading file, return ragged array
return ragged_array
import unittest
#Importing the frame_score method from framscore file
from framescore import frame_score
class TestFrameScore(unittest.TestCase):
#Test 1
def test_1(self):
self.assertEqual(frame_score([10], 10, 7), 27)
#Test 2
def test_2(self):
self.assertEqual(frame_score([7, 3], 9, 0), 19)
#Test 3
def test_3(self):
self.assertEqual(frame_score([7, 1], 0, 0), 8)
if __name__ == '__main__':