#Akshat shah
#It 211

#Project 6

#Import the modules
import os
import shutil

#Assign previous_album to the empty string ("")
previous_album = " "

#Open the input file
fin = open("Index.txt","r")

line = fin.readline( )

while line != "":
    fields = line.split(",")
    name = line.strip( )
    folder_name = fields[0].strip()
    original_photo_name = fields[1].strip()
    if previous_album != folder_name:
#Method to create new folder
        print(" Creating " + folder_name + " Folder " )
#Intializing the counter to 1
        count = 1
        previous_album = folder_name

#Next two lines are literal python statements
    new_photo_name = "{:s}/{:03d}-{:s}".\
        format(folder_name, count, original_photo_name)
    shutil.copyfile("Originals/" + original_photo_name,new_photo_name)
    print(" Putting the " + original_photo_name + " in " + folder_name + " folder")
    count = count + 1
    line = fin.readline()


#INPUT FILE(Index.txt)