#Akshat shah
#Project 2

#This import function allows the random.randrange function to work
import random
human_score = 0.0
computer_score = 0.0

#This is the while loop that randomly chooses rock, paper and scissors, if we enter correct input value
while True:

#Allows me to enter rock paper scissors
    human_play = input("Enter human play(rock,paper,scissors):")

#Random function chooses random numbers from 0 to 2, you have to always put the range a number more than the one you want to add.
    random_number = random.randrange(0,3)

    if random_number == 0:
       computer_play ="rock"
    elif random_number == 1:
         computer_play ="paper"
    elif random_number == 2:
         computer_play ="scissors"
    #case 1
    #This commands and all the commands below are the if statements that tells us that if we input rock, the computer will randomly choose something from
    #rock paper scissors and than if the computer has rock too, it will tell you its a tie because we have added print statement, and adds assign points to
    #human or computer
    if human_play == "rock" and computer_play == "rock":
           print("Computer played rock")
           print("rock does not go with rock")
           computer_score = computer_score + 0.5
           human_score = human_score + 0.5

    #case 2
    elif human_play == "rock" and computer_play =="paper":
           print("Computer played paper")
           print("paper covers rock")
           print("Computer wins")
           computer_score = computer_score + 1.0

    #case 3
    elif human_play == "rock" and computer_play == "scissors":
            print("Computer played scissors")
            print("rock breaks scissors")
            print("Human wins")
            human_score = human_score + 1.0

    #case 4
    elif human_play == "paper" and computer_play == "rock":
            print("Computer played rock")
            print("paper covers rock")
            print("Human wins")
            human_score = human_score + 1.0

    #case 5
    elif human_play == "paper" and computer_play == "paper":
            print("Computer played paper")
            print("paper does not go with paper")
            computer_score = computer_score + 0.5
            human_score = human_score + 0.5

    #case 6
    elif human_play == "paper" and computer_play == "scissors":
             print("Computer played Scissors")
             print("paper gets cut off by scissors")
             print("computer wins")
             computer_score = computer_score + 1.0

    #case 7
    elif human_play == "scissors" and computer_play =="rock":
              print("Computer played rock")
              print("rock breaks scissors")
              print("computer wins")
              computer_score = computer_score + 1.0
    #case 8
    elif human_play == "scissors" and computer_play == "paper":
               print("Computer played paper")
               print("scissors cuts paper")
               print("Human wins")
               human_score = human_score + 1.0

    #case 9
    elif human_play == "scissors" and computer_play =="scissors":
               print("Computer played scissors")
               print("Scissors does not go with scissors")
               computer_score = computer_score + 0.5
               human_score = human_score + 0.5      

#This print statement allows to print human and computer score at the end of each queries       
    print("Human score:", human_score,"computer score:", computer_score)