//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Creating the package path
package IT313.proj4.Shahakshat;
//implementing the comparable interface
public class Transaction implements Comparable{
//Creating the variables
private int id = 0;
private String buyer;
private String seller;
private double amount = 0;
private String memo;
private String timestamp;
//creating the constructor
public Transaction(int id, String buyer, String seller, double amount, String memo, String timestamp) {
this.id = id;
this.buyer = buyer;
this.seller = seller;
this.amount = amount;
this.memo = memo;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
//Creating the get method, so that When I call the method it returns the value that I had set
public int getId () {
return id;
public String getSeller () {
return seller;
public String getBuyer () {
return buyer;
public double getAmount () {
return amount;
public String getMemo () {
return memo;
public String getTimestamp () {
return timestamp;
//overriding the string method to to customize it my way
public String toString () {
return "ID: " + this.getId() + ", " +
"Buyer: " + this.getBuyer() + ", " +
"Seller: " + this.getSeller() + ", " +
"Amount: $" + this.getAmount() + ", " +
"Memo: " + this.getMemo() + ", " +
"Timestamp: " + this.getTimestamp();
//Creating the compare to and creating the if else conditions
public int compareTo (Transaction other){
//return (int)(this.id - other.id);
if (this.id > other.id) {
return 1;
else if (this.id == other.id){
return 0;
else {
return -1;
//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Creating the package path
package IT313.proj4.Shahakshat;
//Using inheritance to extend the transaction class with this class
public class MobileTransaction extends Transaction {
//Declaring the strings
public String storage;
public String memory;
//Creating the constructor
public MobileTransaction(int id, String buyer, String seller, double amount,String storage, String memory, String memo, String timestamp) {
super(id, buyer, seller, amount, memo, timestamp);
this.memory = memory;
this.storage = storage;
//Creating the get methods
public String getMemory() {
return memory;
public String getStorage() {
return storage;
//overriding the string method to to customize it my way
public String toString() {
return "ID: " + this.getId() + ", " +
"Buyer: " + this.getBuyer() + ", " +
"Seller: " + this.getSeller() + ", " +
"Amount: $" + this.getAmount() + ", " +
"Memo: " + this.getMemo() + ", " +
"Storage: " + this.getStorage() + ", " +
"Memory: " + this.getMemory() + ", " +
"Timestamp: " + this.getTimestamp();
//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
package IT313.proj4.Shahakshat;
public class TvTransaction extends Transaction {
public int screensize;
public String resolution;
public TvTransaction(int id, String buyer, String seller, double amount, int screensize, String resolution, String memo, String timestamp) {
super(id, buyer, seller, amount, memo, timestamp);
this.screensize = screensize;
this.resolution = resolution;
public int getScreensize(){
return screensize;
public String getResolution(){
return resolution;
public String toString() {
return "ID: " + this.getId() + ", " +
"Buyer: " + this.getBuyer() + ", " +
"Seller: " + this.getSeller() + ", " +
"Amount: $" + this.getAmount() + ", " +
"Memo: " + this.getMemo() + ", " +
"Screen Size: " + this.getScreensize() + ", " +
"Resolution: " + this.getResolution() + ", " +
"Timestamp: " + this.getTimestamp();
//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Due on 11/07/2019
//Submitted on 11/08/2019
//Creating the package path
package IT313.proj4.Shahakshat;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class TransactionManager implements
Serializable, Iterable{
private ArrayList col;
public TransactionManager( ) {
col = new ArrayList( ); };
//Add method to append a Transaction object to col
public void add(Transaction theTransaction) {
//Clear method to clear out col by removing all its objects
public void clear( ) {
col.clear( );
// public ArrayList getAll(){
// return col;
//GetAll method to return array list of all objects sorted by id
public ArrayList getAll(){
for(Transaction p : col) {
return col;
return col;
//GetCount return number of objects in col
public int getCount( ) {
return col.size( );
//FindBuyer method return array list of all objects from col with specified buyer,sorted by id.
public ArrayList findBuyer(String buyerName){
ArrayList output = new ArrayList( );
for (Transaction buyer: col) {
return output;
//FindSeller return array list of all objects from col with specified seller,sorted by id.
public ArrayList findSeller(String SellerName) {
ArrayList output1 = new ArrayList();
for (Transaction seller : col) {
if (seller.getSeller().equals(SellerName)) {
return output1;
//FindId method to return object with specified id.
public Transaction findId(int Id){
for(Transaction id : col){
return id;
return null;
//Save method to Serialize transaction manager to file
public void save( ) throws IOException {
ObjectOutputStream outStream =
new ObjectOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(
outStream.close( );
//Load methods to deserialize transaction manager from file
public void load( ) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
ObjectInputStream inStream =
new ObjectInputStream(
new FileInputStream(
col = (ArrayList)
inStream.readObject( );
inStream.close( );
public Iterator iterator() {
return col.iterator( );
//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Importing all the classes
import IT313.proj4.Shahakshat.MobileTransaction;
import IT313.proj4.Shahakshat.Transaction;
import IT313.proj4.Shahakshat.TransactionManager;
import IT313.proj4.Shahakshat.TvTransaction;
//Importing arraylist and excpetions
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Test3 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
TransactionManager Transactions = new TransactionManager();
Transactions.add(new Transaction(01, "Samarth", "Google", 3500,
"My first transaction", "10/29/2019 12.30.00"));
Transactions.add(new Transaction(02, "Akshat", "Samsung", 3500,
"My second transaction", "10/29/2019 12.30.00"));
Transactions.add(new MobileTransaction(
03, "Samarth", "OnePlus", 350,
"64GB", "2GB", "My third transaction", "10/30/2019 12.38.00"));
Transactions.add(new MobileTransaction(
04, "Nisarg", "OnePlus", 350,
"64GB", "2GB", "My fourth transaction", "10/30/2019 12.38.00"));
Transactions.add(new TvTransaction(
05, "Mehta", "LG", 6500,
65, "4k OLED", "My fifth transaction", "10/30/2019 12.38.00"));
Transactions.add(new TvTransaction(
06, "Akshat", "Sony", 44500,
75, "4k OLED", "My sixth transaction", "10/30/2019 12.38.00"));
//Testing the getAll Method
System.out.println("/////////Printing all objects from arraylist/////////");
ArrayList lol = Transactions.getAll();
//Testing the size Method
System.out.println("\n\n" + "/////////Transactions size/////////");
int size = Transactions.getCount();
System.out.println("Transactions size: " + size + "\n");
//Testing the FindBuyer Method
System.out.println("\n\n" + "/////////Printing arraylist specified by buyer/////////");
ArrayList buyer = Transactions.findBuyer("Akshat");
//Testing the FindSeller Method
System.out.println("\n\n" + "/////////Printing arraylist specified by seller/////////");
ArrayList seller = Transactions.findSeller("LG");
//Testing the FindId Method
System.out.println("\n\n" + "/////////Printing arraylist specified by id/////////");
Transaction id = Transactions.findId(1);
//Testing the clear Method
//Testing the save Method
//Testing the size Method after clearing
System.out.println("\n\n" + "/////////Transactions size after clearing/////////");
int size1 = Transactions.getCount();
System.out.println("Transactions size after clearing: " + size1 + "\n");
//Testing the load Method