//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Project 3
//Main file with all the methods

//Importing calendar for certain classes
import java.util.Calendar;
public class calendar{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //set inputs
        int month = 12;
        int day = 2;
        int year = 1998;

        //Creating string to test the method
        String dayOfWeekString = dayOfWeek(month, day, year);

    public static String dayOfWeek(int month, int day, int year) {
        //set up array for day names.
        //Recall that day of week is one-based
        String[ ] dayNames = {" ", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};

        //Create a Calendar Object
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

        //Set date in calendar
        //  As month is one-based, - 1 allows me to put month number from 1 to 12.
        //  for example in here december is 11 but I can just put 12 and it will -1 to it to 11.
        cal.set(year, (month) - 1,day);

        //Get day of the week code
        //This allows to get week day code and translates it to the day name, using the array we assigned before
        //called dayNames.
        //dayNames[4] would be wednesday
        int dayOfWeekCode = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        return dayNames[dayOfWeekCode];


//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Traditional Testing

public class Test1{

            public static void main(String[]args){

                //Checking 10/6/2019
                String date1 = calendar.dayOfWeek(10,6,2019);
                System.out.print("Date is 10/6/2019, Day is: " + date1 + "." + "\n");

                //Checking 1/8/2019
                String date2 = calendar.dayOfWeek(1,7,2019);
                System.out.print("Date is 1/7/2019, Day is: " + date2 + "." + "\n");

                //Checking 2/5/2019
                String date3 = calendar.dayOfWeek(2,5,2019);
                System.out.print("Date is 2/5/2019, Day is: " + date3 + "." + "\n");

                //Checking 12/2/1998(My BirthDate)
                String date4 = calendar.dayOfWeek(12,2,1998);
                System.out.print("My BirthDate is 12/2/1998, Day is: " + date4 + "." + "\n");

                //Checking 11/28/2019
                String date5 = calendar.dayOfWeek(11,28,2019);
                System.out.print("Date is 11/28/2019, ThanksGiving is on: " + date5 + "." + "\n");

                //Checking 11/29/2019
                String date6 = calendar.dayOfWeek(11,29,2019);
                System.out.print("Date is 11/29/2019, BlackFriday is on : " + date6 + "." + "\n");

                //Checking 11/30/2019
                String date7 = calendar.dayOfWeek(11,30,2019);
                System.out.print("Date is 11/30/2019, Day is: " + date7 + "." );


//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Unit Testing

//This import tool allows me to run each test and imports the junit
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

//Imports the assertions
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
//Unit Test
public class Test2 {

    //Checking for all the tests by passing in expected and actual statements
    public void dayOfWeek() {
       assertEquals("Sunday", calendar.dayOfWeek(10,6,2019));

    public void dayOfWeek1() {
        assertEquals("Monday", calendar.dayOfWeek(1,7,2019));

    public void dayOfWeek2() {
        assertEquals("Tuesday", calendar.dayOfWeek(2,5,2019));

    public void dayOfWeek3() {
        assertEquals("Wednesday", calendar.dayOfWeek(12,2,1998));

    public void dayOfWeek4() {
        assertEquals("Thursday", calendar.dayOfWeek(11,28,2019));

    public void dayOfWeek5() {
        assertEquals("Friday", calendar.dayOfWeek(11,29,2019));

    public void dayOfWeek6() {
        assertEquals("Saturday", calendar.dayOfWeek(11,30,2019));

//Akshat Shah
//IT 313
//Ineteractive Test

//Importing the java lang string
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //Creating a new scanner to allow the user for passing in the inputs
        Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("**To exit/terminate the process, press ctrl + d**");
        System.out.println("Please enter the date:");

        //this ensures that it keep reading the next line
        while (s.hasNextLine()) {
            String line = s.nextLine();
            //Split each field by / sign.
            String[] fields = line.split("/");

            //Assigning each variable the fields
            int month = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
            int day = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
            int year = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]);

            //This method takes whatever date user types and gives user day of the week
            //Creating string and calling the method from calendar
            String dayOfWeekString = calendar.dayOfWeek(month, day, year);

